Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tickling: Not Just For Kids

Karston's Grammy called this evening, so I tickled him to make him giggle into the phone. I know his tickle spots now! When we went back to the sunroom to play some more before bed, he started to climb off my lap, but for some reason he took a detour to suck and bite my knee (both simultaneously, and no, he didn't each much for dinner even after this!). As you can guess, that feels weird on a knee, so I twiched, squeaked, and laughed. Then Karston started giggling about it! He went back to suck my knee again, so I made the same sounds again, and oh was that funny! And again and again and again, until I went for the camcorder and he wouldn't do it again.

I think he just learned that tickling works on other people, not just him!

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