Thursday, April 28, 2011

Museum Field Trip

Today we were chaperones for Karston's kindergarten field trip to the Museum of Life and Science. We were assigned to watch Karston and a girl who wanted to wander off on her own. We teamed up with Ella's mom watching three girls because 3 adults to 5 kids was more manageable. The kids had a great field trip! After our picnic lunch, after we signed out our kids from school, Karston and Ella went back for more museum time. Finally it really was time to leave. Karston spent more than an entire school day with Ella, but he asked why she was in a different car. His next question was, why can't I be with Ella forever? Yeah ... let's wait until you both are older for that one!

Monday, April 25, 2011

All About The Playing

After a wonderful intersession last month, Cale knows he really loves to play with his big brother. This morning he told me, Mommy, I miss Karston so much. He cheered up with Mommy, dance with me, Mommy, chase me, and Mommy, play with me.