Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No Hot Dog

Karston's preschool had a Halloween parade (in costume) and banquet this morning. Ms. Jan told me that Karston didn't eat his hot dog, but he did have apple and cheese, and she let him go back for a second cookie. (Getting him to eat anything is the right plan! He didn't finish the second cookie, but he insisted I had to bring it home for later.) Karston very solemnly informed me, Sometimes I just don't like hot dogs. He cracks me up! I'm not going to argue with eating apples and cheese instead of kiddie hot dogs.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

The Bra

This is funny, even if it isn't G-rated. Cale got upset this evening when I was out of his sight, so he and Daddy watched me change into pajamas. As soon as my bra went on the night stand, he was fascinated with it. He stared at my bra more than me. Yes, the child who a minute ago said I couldn't be out of his sight found something more important to watch. Daddy moved him closer to see if he were staring at my night light lamp, but no, he really was staring at my bra. Oh my gosh, that thing gets to hold Mommy all day long? I want to have straps! I want to grow up to be a bra! (I think my running commentary speaking for Cale was what made Daddy laugh so much.)

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Race Car

We went to the State Fair this morning. We didn't make it to any petting zoos this time (Karston loved that last year), but we still loved it. I ran into an old friend from college and Karston won a car. We wanted to take Karston on the rides, but you have to be at least 36" tall for the rides, and it turns out that he's only 35" tall (at almost 3.5 years old!). Hopefully this Prevacid will help that!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Karston went back to the doctor about his tummy hurting. We told him a few days in advance that we were going to go to the doctor to tell her about his tummy hurting, and this morning he very quietly said that he wanted to go to the doctor so she could help his tummy feel better.

The report is 25.9 pounds (dressed) and try Prevacid again. The Zantac worked initially, but now it seems like we're back to where we were before Zantac. So hopefully the proton-pump inhibitor will out-do the H2 blocker, as it should.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday

This evening during his bedtime routine, Karston kept saying, want to sing the birthday song to you Daddy!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Daddy
Happy Birthday to you

Again and again, in that sweet voice. Instead of good night kisses, tonight Karston was giving out birthday kisses too.

This morning, for his birthday, Karston and I gave Daddy something Karston picked out at the store. Karston picked out a small catchers mitt and a ball (the mitt has velcro on the fingers, and the ball is the right kind of soft to stick to it), and he told me, I want to play catch with Daddy! Get it please! I want it! Daddy want it! I really, really didn't think any present this year could top Daddy's little boy wanting to play catch with him, so of course I got it. This evening, Daddy got a DVD set and a card, and Karston got a happy tropical shirt that looks like shirts Daddy likes to wear. (Karston likes to do what Daddy does, so he got a similarly-wrapped present so he could unwrap too.) Karston tried his shirt on right away! While holding the top button, Karston said very seriously, I figuring it out ... and he buttoned his shirt! He certainly figured it out quickly, since we've never seen him button anything before! He did the second button after I opened the buttonhole (new shirt, a bit stiff), and he asked me to do the third and lowest button because it was too far for him.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Two More Teeth

Karston has all twenty milk teeth, so you know this post is about Cale. I just felt his gums, and Cale has two more teeth poking through today. He had four teeth yesterday, while today he has four teeth on top. No wonder he's been a bit out of sorts, since he has had a runny nose for a week, and two new teeth cutting through his gums. I hope Cale feels better, and resumes sleeping better, soon!

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cale at Seven Months

When we first came home with Cale, I put ice in my water cup, and Cale startled at the loud sound of the ice dispenser. He flailed and looked quite worried. Ever since then, I've told Cale "this is going to be loud" before I do something loud, and he's been calm ... unless I forget to announce the loud to him. Yes, I know he's not supposed to understand words yet, but he's known about loud since his first week of life.

Cale seems so much older at seven months now! It's been over a month since I've seen his baby startle, where he would stick his arms straight out and wave them and wobble his upper body. However, Daddy did see a hilarious new reaction this evening. Cale was very happy today if he was touching me (I can see two new teeth coming in), and very loudly unhappy if he wasn't touching me. So in order to cook for the week, I had Cale in the baby backpack on my back so I could have my hands free while keeping his hands far away from sharp knives for chopping and hot stoves for cooking. Before I turned on the food processor, I told him that it would be loud. Cale did what he was doing for my every kitchen task: standing up in the backpack so he could lean over my shoulder to see what I was doing.

So imagine me at the kitchen counter with my food processor, and Cale leaning over my shoulder to see what I'm doing even though he knows it will be loud. Don't forget that he still has a very plump baby face. Daddy was facing us. When I turned on the food processor, Cale shook his head, jowls flapped, and Daddy says he did a dead-on comedic Nixon impression! I'm sure even R. Milhouse Nixon could have been cute at seven months old. And Cale is even cuter doing a comedic impression!

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