Monday, July 10, 2006

Pediatrician: One Year

We went back to the pediatrician again this morning. Karston's vital statistics are 17 pounds 14.8 ounces, 28.25 inches long, and 18 inch head circumference. He's only gained 1.5 pounds since his 9-month visit! Really, he's hit 18.4 pounds on our scale, but he did poop just before we left for the doctor's office. His weight-to-length ratio is about 10%; as ever, he's around the 25th percentile for head size. His height nudged just above the 5th percentile, but his weight is even farther below the 5th percentile now. But Karston still hasn't been sick yet, so I won't complain that he's a lightweight.

This was the first pediatrician visit where we had to wait a significant time for the doctor. Karston didn't like the waiting; he wanted to pry out the electric outlet covers or walk over to the sick kids. We didn't like playing with electricity, and we weren't too sure about sick kids, but we did wear a path to the nurses' station. Karston would head for the nurses, walk in until one of them acknowledged him whereupon he would get bashful and toddle back to our exam (waiting) room. The worst part was having to lie down for three vaccination shots, because lying down is the farthest from walking.

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