Monday, July 03, 2006

The Birthday Party

We had an impromtu birthday party for Karston this evening. Family called, and we said Sure, come on over. I served pork roast with tomatillos, tossed together a quick red beans and rice, chopped a fresh salad (well, Daddy's the chopper), and an egg-free sugar-free velvet crumb cake with banana glaze (fat-free but not sugar-free and not fed to Karston) and one candle. I can't estimate how much food to prepare for more than about four people, so ten people was out of my league, but the food worked out just right. I noticed something about the people who showed up ... these are the people who came to meet Karston in the hospital when he was born, one year ago! Karston's grandparents, my local grandparents, and Daddy's sister's family. We were touched.

All three of us had a great time! Karston thinks it's wonderful to be allowed to stand on the dining table and have everyone sing to him! He doesn't think I should blow out the candle on his birthday cake, though.


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