Friday, December 29, 2006

Xboy with Legos

About three months ago (maybe more), I bought a box of Kellog's Cinnamon Swirlz cereal for myself. I opened it at breakfast, started pouring (yawn!), and the first thing to plop into the milk was a toy sealed in plastic (for sleepy folks like me who pour cereal blindly). When I read the cereal box, it said FREE XBOX GAME INSIDE! Like I need an XBOX. So I turned it on, poked the Mystic Castle a few times, and gave it to Karston. He loves the electronic boop sound it makes, and he still plays with it. He played with it this afternoon as a matter of fact! So Karston was just over a year old when he got his first XBOX, and he likes it. Hmm. I don't know about this trend.

However, he spent this evening getting frustrated but learning how to put QUATRO LEGO blocks together. He knows that the bottom of one block snaps onto the top of another block, and he knows that the blocks go together in parallel or perpendicular formations, but he was sometimes frustrated by the exact alignment. However, he kept trying, and I think LEGOs have clicked for him now; he understands that he can build shapes out of LEGOs. Cool!

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