Monday, December 25, 2006


Karston got several pairs of shoes for Christmas because his first pair is just about worn out. Bad news on that front. He may be 25th percentile for head circumference, and 5th percentile for height, and below the chart for weight, but all of his new size 12-24 month shoes were too small for him. Rats! I never would have expected that given that he's not been large on any measurement before. I may end up making the Tacky Living pattern for soft-soled shoes (scaled up as needed) for him.

Still, we put a pair of lighted sneakers on him without socks figuring that he would enjoy the lights on his feet. He's never worn shoes with solid soles before, and he couldn't figure out how to walk! He would pull himself up on furniture, try a tentative step, then give us a pained look. And not move at all. I think this is the only thing I've ever seen to cause him to stand perfectly still for long periods of time! Of course he was pretty unhappy so I wouldn't want to do it, but it's interesting to note that he can stand still. I wonder how the adjustment to regular shoes will go later?

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