Friday, December 22, 2006


We went to a sports bar this evening with friends to watch Carolina basketball. Karston got to play with Jeni's son Will who is seven weeks older, and he had a blast. Karston worked the room flirting with women, he clapped wildly when everyone cheered for Carolina, and he played with Will. Will (who seems to be perfectly sweet and normal, not that I know what that is) got tired once it was late. Despite Will's dropped head, Karston kept running up to him, crouching down to look up into Will's face, and then laughing like crazy. You could just feel the Play with me! vibe, and tired was no excuse. Jeni finally asked me, "Is he always this animated around so many people?" I thought about it for a second, trying to grasp what she meant about animated, and realizing that Karston wasn't acting out of the ordinary for any number of people. So I said simply, "He's always this animated." I think that explains Karston in a nutshell. He's always go-go-go, and no wonder he doesn't sleep well. There's too much to do! too many reasons to laugh and shriek! too many new things in the world! No time for sleep! Whew. Wears me out just thinking about it. To spare Will, I started Karston calisthenics, which involves slinging him upside down and around while he laughs; it's quite a workout and thank goodness Karston is still a lightweight who hasn't cracked 20 pounds.

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