Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner

At the end of the school week, Karston brings home the work he did in class. This week is a short week because he gets off Wednesday through Friday for Thanksgiving. One piece of class work was the standard open area at the top for drawing and coloring with a lined area below for writing. This one had cues: a picture of an empty cornucopia to fill, and a lead-in for a sentence or paragraph. The lead-in was "On Thanksgiving I will eat" -- at this point, I'm very eager to read this jackpot! Karston had written chesit (as in, cheezit crackers, his current favorite of the cheesy crackers). Some days I feel like he eats about one cheezit, so his answer to his class work was closer to the mark than I'd like. Hopefully, he might even try what everyone else eats.

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