Saturday, October 09, 2010

Worst. Splinter. Ever!

Karston got a splinter in his right heel while playing outside (on a deck) Friday afternoon, but he wouldn't let me look at it. He was still too scared from Mimi's giant tweezers (they are big for easy squeezing, with sharp-looking precise tips, and really could seem ominous). This evening, I finally got to look. You know what I saw: a really fat, deep, dark splinter right in the middle of his heel. The ordeal of coaxing him to let me at it took 45 minutes, and I let him talk me down from using the best tools for less scary items. Almost all of his "OUCH" yelps were because I had to touch an infected area, not (entirely) from me working the splinter. It's the only time I haven't stopped when Karston has said Mommy, please stop! and we even made it up to pretty, pretty please too. That hurt me the most, but I did get the whole entire nasty splinter out. Afterwards, Karston liked the bubbles from the hydrogen peroxide! He says his heel already doesn't hurt as much to walk on now as it did when the splinter was in there ... I hope he remembers that the next time I'm pleading with him to let me remove another splinter! (I don't have my hopes up.)

In the midst of extreme yowling from Karston, Cale climbed up on our bed right next to the action and fell asleep quickly. Guess when he woke up? Yes, that's right, when Karston stopped screaming and followed me down the hall for a post-splinter treat (he picked an orange starburst over chocolate). Of course, Cale also fell right back to sleep because he does that too. He didn't wake up when I carried him to bed, so I put him in bed and put his blanket over him. I don't expect this to last long, so I'd really better work on getting some sleep myself ...

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