Wednesday, October 11, 2006

So Sad and Snuggly

After Karston's nap after his pediatrician's appoinment on Monday, he woke up very sad. No setting down the baby! In fact, he only walked ten feet total that afternoon; mostly he sat and gently rubbed his leg where he got his shots. (Yes, I felt very guilty. But countries with strict vaccination programs have excellent childhood survival rates, while countries with more lax vaccination programs, like the US, have an increase in preventable childhood diseases. So he's getting vaccinated, and these shots were the last in the series. No mercury, no live viruses.) Monday night wasn't too bad, but maybe he needed more snuggles than usual. Tuesday was another sad snuggly day. Tuesday night, he was Cuddles the Kid, and he needed Daddy to hug him to sleep. Wednesday, we were going to go back to the pediatrician if he weren't feeling better. He asked to nurse much more than usual, but he was much closer to normal. Whew! (Yes, he asks to nurse. He climbs in my lap, stares, lifts my shirt, and then gives me a cute hopeful look.)

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