Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Fun Week

It's been a fun week with Karston!

On Wednesday, Karston started dancing. Well, maybe not dancing since he doesn't even stand on his own, but he was sitting on the couch, and when the sound started, he started slouching and sitting up straight in time to the music. Too bad it was just an ad on TV because we were ready to dance him around the living room!

Friday Karston picked up a useful new skill: drinking from a cup! He doesn't like bottles anymore (that was a small window), and while he thinks his sippy cup is a fun toy when it's empty, he won't touch it when it has liquid in it. He likes to play with the cups we drink from, so my mother offered him a sip from hers. And he drank from a cup! This should help keep him hydrated since he only nurses at night, and only accepts a spoon during the day. Sometimes that spoon has baby-food-prunes to offset the lack of drinking.

And speaking of food, we tried bananas again, but this time from a jar. He is nuts for peaches, but we could hardly get him to eat the canned peaches that I ran through my food processor when we were out of baby food peaches. I used peaches canned in juice, and I rinsed them just as directed. He loves peas, but when I cooked some frozen peas and ran them through the food processor, they came back on a return policy. (He also loves sweet potatoes, but that would be a lot of cooking.) And that made me reconsider bananas. He returned bananas before, but I mashed those myself. So bananas from a baby food jar was a test, and the results are in: he's not fond of bananas from a jar, and he barfs on food that I make. His parents don't! Our parents don't! But while I can apparently cook for adults, I don't seem to have the touch for baby food. I really don't like this turn of events, but at least I figured it out before I spent much time cooking for him. We'll try again later.

This morning we stopped by a small tractor store just before they closed, so they were driving lawn tractors inside. Karston thought this was the coolest thing ever! When a tractor would start, he would stare in the direction of the sound. When the tractor came in sight, Karston would turn to watch it. And then he would just watch in awe as the driver walked back for another. I said I thought he was young to be such a boy about tractors, but another customer assured that his 11-month-old son was just as fascinated. Everyone there was very nice about a squirmy little boy just staring for all he was worth.

There's still a lot of new to every week.

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