Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Assisted Steps!

This afternoon when Karston went potty, Cale had a moment of wishful thinking, and thought it was bath time! After all, we did tell him he was getting a bath in the evening, and bathtime starts with Karston going potty. I was helping Cale stand up after a diaper change, and he started to charge, so I held his hands and we ran to the bathtub! Although he had assistance from me the whole way, Cale took his first steps today. And these weren't hesitant steps, either! He was running!

I helped him walk after dinner and that beloved bath, and Cale was already much steadier at assisted walking this evening. I don't think he intended to run to the tub this afternoon, but this evening he enjoyed a few short, purposeful strolls. I know I've been saying it for a while, but I think Cale's just about ready to walk!

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