Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tummy Time

Karston always hated tummy time, and didn't get much of it. (He also walked before he crawled.) So I was concerned about tummy time for Cale. Sure enough, he doesn't like tummy time on his play mat. However, a couple weeks ago I found a tummy time that Cale likes. When I need a cat nap or I'm waking up, I put Cale on my belly. (I can't sleep soundly on my back, and I have to be exhausted to fall asleep on my back. But I can be drowsy on my back until I wake up. Cale enjoys our tummy-to-tummy time. He will push up, lift his head and look around, and even move short distances. Hey wait, that is tummy time! Cale is getting regular tummy time now that I know the no-tears trick. Today, Cale did something new for tummy-to-tummy time: he rolled from tummy to side, watched me for a bit, and rolled over on his back! I think he's young for the rolling over skill, but he is strong. Although Karston's neck control, even on Day 1, was much better.

Right now, both of my boys are asleep on my lap on the sunroom couch. We came in the sunroom to watch the hail storm (temperature dropped 20 degrees quickly!). Cale nursed, then fussed to be cuddled upright until he fell asleep. He knows I've been trying to set him down all day so I can take a shower, so he was peeking for the longest time to check that I'm still holding him. Karston started snuggled up to Daddy, but curled up to me to "watch baby brother." As he got more comfortable, he slid down and fell asleep. (He napped in the bedroom doorway because he knows not to wake Cale during naptime, but he wants to see him. Karston is a dear!) I'm jealous of Daddy's freedom to walk right now. Myself, I'd be showering, but otherwise I'd probably be doing what he's doing, quick cleanup and light housework. Not that most couples are jealous of who does the housework ...

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