Friday, April 04, 2008

Cale's Two Week

This morning we went to Cale's two week well-baby checkup. His stats are 9 pounds 7.1 ounces (up two pounds from his lowest weight ever!), 22 inches long, and 14.5 inches head circumference (or 50%, 90%, and 25%). Other than that, a routine doctor's visit: he looks fine!

Cale nursed in the children's waiting room until the nurse called us. After a pretty good feeding on one side, before the switch to the other side, he had his eyes wide open, his mouth open in a circle, and he was bouncing his head off the breast instead of nursing. I had a sudden flashback: although I had forgotten for the past 2+ years, Karston used to do that head bouncing (I called it breast tenderizing) with the exact same expression. I had an overpowering sense of déjà vu ... probably because I have seen this already! Yes, these boys are related!

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