Thursday, April 10, 2008

On to Nineteen

Karston's been a little fussier lately. I know a second molar, tooth #18, started coming in the month before Cale was born. However, yesterday afternoon he was drooling, and Daddy asked him if his mouth bothered him -yeah, did he have a new tooth -yeah. Karston opened his mouth wide when asked, and sure enough, there's another molar, tooth #19, coming in. Only one more baby tooth to come!

So right now, when Karston is fussy, we're not sure where to place the blame. Teeth? Not the youngest baby in the house? Or that runny nose he and the other boys in the house (Daddy and Cale) have? Rough!

Last night, I taught class again for the first time in a month. First was Spring Break, and then I lined up three guest speakers so I could be out for the standard two weeks of postpartum recovery (and not knowing when Cale would be born, I scheduled one just before his due date and two after; Cale was born the day before the first guest lecture). An evening with two children who need to go to bed is tough enough that I didn't want Daddy to face that alone so we asked his parents to come over. Karston did have a crying spell, but mainly he was so excited to play with Opa that nothing else mattered. He played as hard as he could, and he slept pretty well, too (after the bedtime struggle)!

Cale slept well while I was out, and responded well to Grammy by falling back to sleep. Apparently he wasn't thrilled with the bottle (his first taste was cold breastmilk; Karston prefered cold food so of course Cale doesn't), but he drank some, and we were both ready for him to nurse when I got home from class.

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