Monday, May 31, 2010

Karston's Quotable

We went to the North Carolina Zoo yesterday. Karston said he liked the zebra best of the animals, possibly because we saw it last. The kids liked the play areas best, no surprise. Soft serve ice cream after lunch was a terrific cool-down. We all had so much fun, I'm ready to go back!

Karston quotable is: Mommy got a sunburn [at the zoo] so I have to wear sunscreen. I think he missed the point, but it sounds a lot like the old saw, Mom's cold, so we have to wear sweaters. Karston really can't stand sunscreen so we're lucky he doesn't burn as quickly as I do. Lately the campaign has been insect repellent on Cale, to reduce the bug bites on his legs. He probably wouldn't have as many bites if he didn't stomp in the deepest pile of leaves at every opportunity!

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