Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fish Day

The big day, Fish Day!

This morning, we watched the Fish Day parade with cousin Jenny and her daughter Lola, and with Karston's entire NC cousin family. Even our friend D'nardo and his family showed up! Cousin Dana was part of the motorcycle brigade leading the parade. The parade highlight, of course, was watching the Shriners in those funny little cars! (Cale fell asleep in the backpack; so much for a parade.)

This evening we hiked over near Saint Mary's Gardens and watched the Fish Day fireworks. We could have gotten closer for a better view, but I think we did better farther away. Karston thought some of the booms were too loud despite lots of sound blocking by the intervening trees. Karston did enjoy the visuals, though! He was the one who convinced us we had to go out again, so he could watch fireworks. Cale enjoyed the first few fireworks, but then decided it was dark, he was comfy on my lap, and *yawn* he'd just fall asleep right there. When Cale wants to sleep, it doesn't matter how loud it is.

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