Monday, February 09, 2009

Best Big Brother

Karston really is the best big brother Cale could want! This afternoon, I could not get Cale to take a nap. He was tired, clinging on to me and crying. When I set him in his crib, he shrieked. So I picked him up, and he cried in my ear. After an hour, I was tired of listening. So I strapped a very reluctant Cale in his swing. I pushed the button to start the rocking, but after one rock, the batteries died. Argh! Karston started to sing to Cale and push the swing, and Cale got much quieter. I left the room to get a coin to open the battery compartment, and Cale quit fussing at all.

Karston followed me, No, let me rock baby brudder to sleep! What else to say but sure, you do it? Karston got his xylophone so that he could play music while he was singing to Cale and rocking him. Cale was perfectly quiet when I wasn't in the bedroom, and Karston was very attentive. About four minutes later, Karston found me to announce that Cale was asleep. I checked, and he was sound asleep. He stayed asleep for a decent nap, too! Karston loves being in charge of his brother, and I love having such a good mother's helper! There are moments, of course, when two children are much more work, but there are many oases when the two boys have each other and don't want my full attention. Then, as long as I'm ready to drop everything and run when one calls, I can go to the bathroom (I did!) or cook dinner (I did!) and remember what adults do when we're not chasing children.

Yes, Karston really is this sweet!

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