Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Well, Cale's 11 months old now. This is his last "month" birthday before we measure his age including years. He has so much personality! He tells us when he's hungry and if he wants baby food or self-feeding, he wants to make you laugh, he tells me when he wants another bedtime story or when I should hurry up and finish the book. I looked at a picture of Karston when he was almost 10 months. They look very similar! However, Cale has already outgrown that outfit, and the next size up too. Karston had four teeth, while I can feel #9 about to poke through in Cale's mouth. Cale is crawling at high speed, while Karston didn't crawl. Cale must put everything in his mouth, while Karston wasn't quite that fixated. They both think Tinker Toys and wooden trains are great. Cale isn't as interested in Intellitainer as Karston was, probably because he's mobile and that beats a stationary play station. Unless it's his Leap Pad station to which he crawls and then pulls himself up to play with the knobs and buttons. He's come so far and grown so big! Shucks, he's already grown so much and developed more of his own personality in the last two weeks, it's just amazing! This week he learned to drink from a re-usable "juice box" with a straw! He doesn't have the hang of tilting a sippy back (or else he really enjoys having someone else do that for him!), but he sure knows how to suck from a straw. He's been on a kick of feeding himself crunchy food (rice chex), so we wanted more fluids in his diet before the dry food got uncomfortable.

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