Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eight Hours

Guess who in this house slept for eight hours last night?

Sorry, that's a trick question because there's no wrong answer because we all slept for eight hours! Actually, us parents woke up a few times expecting one boy or the other to call for us, but it didn't happen. We were awake for naught! At a mere nine weeks old, Cale slept for eight hours in his crib while Mommy got eight luxurious hours in our own bed! Bliss.

As a matter of fact, I woke Cale up this morning just to be sure he was OK. He didn't like being woken up, but he'd tolerate it since it was immediately followed by breastfeeding him. Two minutes after that, Karston called for Daddy to get him up. (He can get out of bed on his own, but where's the fun in that?)

We hope this is the start of a trend!

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