Monday, May 12, 2008

Cale is Annoyed at Mommy

I have seasonal allergies, my nose is running, and I'm coughing. I'm not supposed to take anything if I can help it, because medication transfers to breastmilk and Cale doesn't need that exposure. In the case of antihistamines, most of the ones that dry up the nose are likely to dry up breastmilk to some extent too. So I'm hitting the tissues instead of the medicine cabinet. Both this afternoon and this evening when I coughed while Cale was nursing himself to sleep, he woke up startled. He's not even two months old, but I know an annoyed look when I see one!

Finally, this afternoon I set him down in his crib for his nap. I had been coughing repeatedly, and I knew he couldn't fall asleep with me and my cough around him. He wanted to fall asleep on my lap, so his eyes flew open when he touched the crib. He saw me, got that annoyed look again it's that Mommy who coughs too loudly, and closed his eyes. If I'm his only choice, the crib looks good!

This evening I opened the loveseat that folds out into a bed, and I'm going to sleep there so that I'm farther from Cale when I cough. I can tell by the way he's rustling right now that he's annoyed with me again. I'm so sorry I'm annoying my child at such a young age, but that dry tickle cough just won't be stopped. I'm not proud of this. Poor baby.

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