Monday, April 16, 2007

Sad Face

The Sad Face: or, Why Karston Hasn't Had a Nap Yet Today

Today Karston perfected his sad face. I asked him if he were tired after my mother came over for lunch (50 mph wind gusts, she has no power), and he said Nigh-nigh, so I set him down in bed. His lower lip went in, and the corners of his mouth went down. I reminded him of night-night, but he just reached for me with that sad face. No, I couldn't refuse, so I picked him up. A short while later, my mother went to show me how putting the kid down for a nap was done. As soon as she set him on his bed, he made his sad face again, and this time his lower lip trembled. Yeah, she picked him up again.

I'm sure he's tired, but if he's going to look that unhappy about it, it's going to be tough to put him to bed. I thought I had an easy shot when he was stretched out on the floor, not playing, just lying on his back. But once I picked him up, he came back to life. It's hard to put a lively toddler to bed; much easier with the sleepy kid.

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