Monday, April 09, 2007

Misbehaving and Tired

Karston played quietly with his TinkerToys this morning for about two hours. Then he wanted to sit in my lap, and continue to play with TinkerToys for another hour. (We all love TinkerToys.) A little before 11:30 AM, I caught an evil whiff, and changed a poopy diaper. In the hall, he started talking about do-do, so I let him feed himself several doughnut holes. (He's learning the advantages of speaking our language, and we like to reward using the correct word instead of his usual fluent baby tibetan.) Then he chugged the water in his sippy without a valve (faster chugging), and asked for mo'. So I gave him more water in that bottle (he was ignoring the blue sippy with valve and water, and his juice sippy), but not much, just in case. Then I heard an odd sound, and just in case was happening. He was holding his water upside down, dribbling it on the chair. I told him NO very firmly and rushed over. He gave me the "what?" look but kept pouring, so as soon as I got over there, I took the water away. That made him cry. I set him on the floor so I could clean up, but he was hopping back into trouble as fast and loud as he could, so I picked him up, and almost took him to his room. But we're doing so well on him sleeping by himself in his room that I didn't want him to have any bad associations with that room. Instead, I flipped him on his back on our bed and told him to think about what he did. I heard some crying (for less than a minute) because he hates to be left alone on his back. I went back to the kitchen, sponged up the water, ran the wet-dry vac, and generally cleaned up that mess. After I was done, guess what? Karston was sound asleep! So somewhere between 11:40 AM (setting him down) and 11:50 AM (checking on him again), he fell asleep. I just wanted him in a time-out while I cleaned up, but naptime is fine too. He woke up about 2:00 PM, glad to see me, and generally happy; a complete change from when I set him down! I know I've said it before, but his bad behavior and tired go together.

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