Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy at Pediatrician

A happy visit to the pediatrician for Cale's two-year-old checkup! Cale is in the process of out-growing his food protein-induced enterocolitis "allergies"! He can't drink milk with impunity, but he can eat cheese and yogurt. Now that dairy doesn't give him ear infections, he is doing fine with his language skills. (Head, hair, hood, hat, eye, nose, mouth, hand, knee, foot, shoe; water, juice, sippy, food, ham, cheese, cracker, cookie, chocolate; tickle, play, have it; happy, silly, stinky; more, done, all gone, please, pretty please, and more I don't remember off the top of my head.)

Cale clocked in at 25.3 pounds and 34 inches (18.8 inches head circumference). On the CDC charts, his weight is almost 25th percentile, his height between the 25th and 50th percentiles, and his head just above the 25th percentile. My good eater is on the charts! Cale did get two shots to stay up with his vaccinations, but he bounced back quickly.

I've been asking Karston if his tummy hurts every couple of days for about a month, and he says his tummy feels fine. So his digestive problems seem to have resolved! Happiest visit to the pediatrician yet! Whew.

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