Sunday, January 24, 2010


For the second day in a row, Cale fell asleep on Daddy's lap while bedtime preparations were starting. He's also fought off his afternoon nap, so I think he still needs it. So both nights, I've headed to the kitchen to clean up while Daddy reads bedtime stories to Karston.

This evening, Karston said his tummy wanted more food during story time. We keep Whales (cheese crackers) on top of the bookshelf just for this. After he had Whales, Karston told Daddy that he wanted to eat an apple because an apple would clean his teeth after those Whales. Daddy said he could go ask Mommy for the partially-eaten apple in the refrigerator from the previous night. Karston ran down the dark hall to ask me for that apple. I congratulated him on remembering that there was a partially-eaten apple, and Karston said, No, that was Daddy's idea. But could you peel it for me so I can go chomp chomp chomp? Of course I said I would, and as I started peeling, Karston burst out with an I love you, Mommy! Last week, too, he said he had some I love you's built up. So I wasn't surprised when he said, I have to tell Daddy too and ran back down the hall to say I love you Daddy before racing back. Before he ran out the kitchen door with his peeled apple, Karston said, Thank you, Mommy. He suggested and ate non-junk food before bed, he said I love you and thank you ... Karston is just that sweet (when his tummy doesn't hurt), sweet as an apple.

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