Wednesday, January 27, 2010


When I got home from teaching class tonight, the house was still and quiet, so I unpacked from work first. Then I heard Cale cry full-force, so I raced back to help Daddy.

Cale had been sound asleep on Daddy's lap next to Karston, but then he had a big sleep twitch. Part of the motion including bringing one hand to his forehead, which just happened to smack the spout of his sippy into his face. Blam! Ouch! And waaah! Got to be careful about those sleep twitches, especially if your hands aren't empty! Poor little guy. He fell right back to sleep on my shoulder, so Daddy did an excellent job putting kids to sleep while I was teaching (and, hopefully, not putting those kids to sleep!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


For the second day in a row, Cale fell asleep on Daddy's lap while bedtime preparations were starting. He's also fought off his afternoon nap, so I think he still needs it. So both nights, I've headed to the kitchen to clean up while Daddy reads bedtime stories to Karston.

This evening, Karston said his tummy wanted more food during story time. We keep Whales (cheese crackers) on top of the bookshelf just for this. After he had Whales, Karston told Daddy that he wanted to eat an apple because an apple would clean his teeth after those Whales. Daddy said he could go ask Mommy for the partially-eaten apple in the refrigerator from the previous night. Karston ran down the dark hall to ask me for that apple. I congratulated him on remembering that there was a partially-eaten apple, and Karston said, No, that was Daddy's idea. But could you peel it for me so I can go chomp chomp chomp? Of course I said I would, and as I started peeling, Karston burst out with an I love you, Mommy! Last week, too, he said he had some I love you's built up. So I wasn't surprised when he said, I have to tell Daddy too and ran back down the hall to say I love you Daddy before racing back. Before he ran out the kitchen door with his peeled apple, Karston said, Thank you, Mommy. He suggested and ate non-junk food before bed, he said I love you and thank you ... Karston is just that sweet (when his tummy doesn't hurt), sweet as an apple.

The Haircuts

The boys' hair has been too long for a while, but it's been too cold to cut away anything that might keep them a little warmer too. I was waiting for a day like today, that's remarkably warm when I'm home with them. So this afternoon, we headed out to the deck for their haircuts. Since Cale was playing, I cut Karston's hair first. I made sure his hair can't get in his eyes or tickle his ears, but I left most of the thick length since it's still winter. Cale has been showing me, with unmistakable sign language, that he doesn't like hair in his eyes or tickling his ears. I was almost done cutting Karston's hair when Cale noticed what I was doing. He immediately started squeaking to get my attention, pulling my scissors to his hair, and trying to weasel himself between me and Karston. I did finish cutting Karston's hair, but it wasn't easy. Despite appearances (I've said it before: it's a good thing Cale's cute enough to overcome a bad haircut), this was Cale's best haircut yet because he sat still for it the longest. This haircut he wanted, the others were an unwelcome disruption to his play.

Although Cale's remarkably expressive without words, he did use a complete sentence today. He loves to play catch with Daddy! He dragged Daddy's heavy catcher's mitt to him, then as Daddy handed Cale his little mitt, Cale said, We play catch. If it's worth a full sentence to someone who isn't positive he needs many words, you know we'll play catch with him! Well, Daddy will ... Cale's not sure about Mommy playing catch, and no, I'm not that bad.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


We knew how to start potty training with the second child. Before we started, we explained to Cale what we were doing when we were in the bathroom. (He was most interested watching Karston.) This time we knew just to put Cale on the little potty (just start!, by 18 months), and from Karston's pre-school director, we knew that M&M's make the best reward. Cale lets us know when he's ready for M&M's by shaking the jar, and then he runs over to sit on his potty. After a while of that, we've worked up to no clothes on his bottom when he's on the potty. (We started with Cale fully dressed, just to get him to accept sitting there. He didn't like it one bit at first, but M&M's got past that.) But this evening after bath, Cale made potty training progress! Yes, he used the potty! He knew he was doing it too (that grin was unmistakable), but I don't think he can go on demand yet. Still, knowing that he's doing it, and doing it in the right place in the bathroom is a big step!

Cale also has two molars just coming in, one left and one right, one upper and one lower, so he chews constantly. He's also fairly proficient at waving bye-bye now, and will sometimes even blow you a kiss too.

The most distinct word that Cale says is tickle, and yes, he wants to be tickled when he asks that. Some days he even shows off the new words that he has picked, like walking over to one corner of our kitchen, picking one up, and saying basket!