Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This afternoon a neighbor with two girls about a year older than our two boys came over to play. Our house was LOUD, but the kids were so into playing and running that they needed only the smallest bit of adult attention. Maria read the paper and I made dinner, in fact. The youngest girl asked me for some juice, so I listed her choices of papaya and pineapple. She looked downright worried. I remembered we had a pack of small bottles of grape juice in the pantry (white grape, non-staining). Oh yes, grape juice would do. And we realized that we have so consistently selected "fun" tropical choices to offer our boys that they think mango, passionfruit, pineapple, and papaya are normal juice choices. Hey, the last two have digestive enzymes that might help bad tummies!

Cale and Karston weigh about 22 and 27 pounds. The not-at-all-fat girls who are a year older weigh 33 and an amazing 56 pounds! So a 5 year old neighbor girl weighs TWICE as much as our 4 year old Karston! At least he's eating better most days, more variety of better food.

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