Friday, May 29, 2009

Ear Infection

The past two nights, Cale has woken himself up coughing and he clearly feels just awful. And when Cale can't sleep, I can't sleep so I rushed through breakfast to take him to pediatric walk-in this morning. Cale weighs 21 pounds 5.6 ounces, and he has another ear infection. So that's what it means when Cale can't sleep at night but he's not teething, on a growth spurt, or suffering from his allergies. Poor guy! At least he's very agreeable about taking medicine. Cale will take any medicine, even if it's nasty-tasting, if you offer it to him. He might need a juice chaser and small dribbles, but he'll take it. On the other hand Karston just won't take medicine, no matter how sweet-tasting, no matter how many chocolate bribes I offer.

As it turns out,
milk allergies are often the underlying cause of repeated colds and ear infections (ref),
so sneaky milk could explain the ear infections.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We signed Karston up for a research study on nutrition. To kick off the study, Karston was measured this afternoon: 26.8 pounds and 37 inches tall. I hope Karston won't skew the study too far into the weeds of poor eating habits! I do hope we learn something effective for better eating: how to encourage him to eat more food, and to eat healthier.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When It Rains ...

As if Cale fussing, coughing, and waking all night weren't enough fun, Karston had a fever with heartburn (seems like an odd combination to me) yesterday. He didn't want Motrin either. This afternoon I left work early because Karston said he would only take Motrin if I gave it to him. So after I gave him some medicine, I drove right back where I had been to take him to the pediatrician.

At the doctor's office, Karston weighed 27 pounds (even, no ounces!). Dr. Starnes said Tylenol should be easier on his tummy than Motrin. I never would have guessed that since Tylenol (acetaminophen) often gives me stomach cramps while Motrin (ibuprofen) never does; however if it works that way for most people, it's worth trying. She says he looks fairly healthy, so just see if this clears up within two days.

Unfortunately, Karston wouldn't take anything at all this evening, from anyone. I tried for a while after a long time of coaxing Cale to sleep. Now that Karston's asleep anyway, Cale has coughed himself awake and now he's sad. I'm the revolving door of mommy comfort! If I can have that with a side of sleep for myself, I will feel better tomorrow.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Cale Walks!

This morning we rode the carousel at Northgate! The kids love it!

Cale decided not to take a nap this afternoon. About 3pm, Cale was still hesitant about walking. Around 4pm when we encouraged him to walk, he took off! Two Fridays ago, he took his first two steps for Amy, fell down, and wouldn't try it again. But three days later, on Monday, he was enjoying going down the slide and taking two to four steps to Mommy before jumping in my arms and asking to slide again. He did that four times, so it wasn't a fluke! We've had two weeks of Cale taking a few steps unassisted before reaching for one of us and falling into our arms. Later this afternoon, he walked six feet unassisted with a huge proud grin. I can't believe a young child who spiked a fever Friday afternoon that didn't break until last night (and I'm sure he still feels awful although he's been remarkably agreeable considering) is mastering a complex new skill less than a day after his fever dropped.

Poor little guy just woke up to tell us he feels awful; he wasn't as recovered yesterday as I hoped. His sound is somewhere between a cry and a groan. Yet he was determined to learn to walk instead of taking an afternoon nap!

So one month after his first assisted steps, Cale is well on his way to unassisted walking!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


About three weeks ago, Cale told me that his favorite activity was to climb up and down our carpeted stairs. He did this for 45 minutes, with me right behind him to prevent falls, while Karston napped until I was bored. This evening Karston and Cale were playing very happily downstairs, so we rushed upstairs to wash up before the bedtime routine. I finished first, and as I was headed down the hall to go back downstairs to the boys when who did I see crawling down the hall towards me but Cale! He had a very proud look on his face too! He went up the stairs all by himself, and then had to find someone to see his boast in action! Independent little fellow.

Cale bounces quickly: two days ago, I was unusually tired and Cale was running a fever. Today he's not running a fever and he feels better, except for a slight cough, so he's already tackling new skills like stairs.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Egg Math

Karston really enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs this year. He keeps staging egg hunts throughout the house with the plastic eggs. This afternoon he also had an empty egg carton as part of the game. First he put his plastic eggs in the egg carton, and then he announced Mommy, I'm going to boil these for five minutes as he went around the door. He came back a second later, and I said I prefer hard-boiled eggs, but those take ten minutes. Karston came back with a quick answer, OK, I will boil these for five more minutes.

I assume having five fingers on each hand for ten total makes this easier, but he knows 5 + 5 = 10 already!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


For Mother's Day, I learned that Karston is fearless. In fact, I almost wish he weren't so brave because if he had a sense of self-preservation then I wouldn't have to worry about him every second. Daddy has been reading some Scholastic books to Karston, and one was about being afraid. Not only was Karston not afraid of the examples, he said I want to go on a roller coaster! when he saw that one.

When Daddy asked me what I wanted to do in the evening for my Mother's Day, Karston said I wanted to go swimming. So of course that was what I wanted to do, and we all suited up for the hot tub. Both kids were in their floats bobbing around when Karston said he wanted to swim. I thought he meant Jeni's game where he leaps from her arms to my arms and back again, so I showed Daddy how to play. That was a good start, but he really meant that he wanted to learn to swim. The hot tub is shallower and smaller than most pools, we were both there, and Cale was happy in his float. So we showed him how to float on his back, but he said he wanted to learn dog paddle. (I don't know where he picked that up, but he remembers everything interesting.) Cale didn't like the splashing (when he wasn't the one splashing), so we hopped out and I hovered after Cale and I were dry. Karston learned that bobbing up really high also causes him to sink low, and that came with a big gulp of water. Ick! He coughed that out, and threw up ... and insisted to swim some more. Many times he went under for a second before Daddy lifted him up, but he kept going. He even threw up again, but didn't want to stop. Finally when he was clearly worn out, I scooped him out with his favorite towel. Karston was sure he should keep going, but he could barely stand. He's not afraid of the water, not discouraged by swallowing water or by throwing up, and not willing to slow down when he's exhausted. I could wish for more caution, but Karston is one brave child!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Sand Bar

Late last week, Daddy's cousin Mike and three of his friends came to visit us. Friday, everyone (except me and Cale) went to Wilmington to ride to Swansboro on Joe's boat. Karston loves riding on Joe's boat, and talks about it for months afterwards. (They did this same trip last year too.) Since this low tide was exceptionally low, Joe's boat got stuck on a sand bar, and they had to wait (and wait) for a tow.

Daddy and Karston came home last night. Karston had a great time playing in the bath, and when we checked on him, he was bunching up the washcloth, stranding his boat on it, and calling Help! I'm stuck on a sand bar! I need a tow! Karston thought this was the greatest bath-time game ever! I'm sure we'll hear many more variations on this theme. Guess what event stuck in his mind?