Friday, December 05, 2008

Before The Trip

Since we're about to spend a week in Key West, I'll watch to see what new things the boys do. This week they already started doing new things!

Karston has started to ask WHY? all the time. By all the time, I mean he asks why again and again, without noticing that he's hit reductio ad absurdum. I went to school for a long time, and I can adroitly break questions down to smaller and smaller parts, but a toddler doesn't know the wall of elemental reduction (or the wall of "I'm not going to go any farther") so it's why why why. He's been doing this for a week ... maybe two.

Cale still isn't walking, but he loves propelling himself around in his walker. This week he changed that repertoire, though: he would walk away from people in order to explore. Cale is a very social baby, very likely to follow people for attention, so heading away from everyone seems significant.

Back to packing ... clothes for all, enough food and diapers for the boys until we can buy more, and small toys for the boys to amuse them on the plane. We could pack so lightly for just us, but we're packing toys, boo-boo fixin's, a double stroller, and a baby backpack!

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