Monday, September 22, 2008

Careful with Those Choppers!

I think Cale was testing his teeth this afternoon, getting to know them. Tooth #3 came in two weeks ago, and #4 late last week, so he just barely has two upper teeth to match the two lower teeth he's had for two months. Well, I heard him grinding his teeth this afternoon. I told Cale that he didn't want to do that. I think that made him grind harder! So I dropped the subject.

Apparently the right answer was distration, not information, and not ignoring. Five minutes later, Cale was a scary sight with his chin covered with bloody drool. His mouth looked like his lower teeth, several millimeters longer than the new teeth on top, had gouged just inside his upper dental ridge. I can't do that because I have teeth in the way, but Cale doesn't. Hoo boy did he cry about this too!

It's always traumatic to see blood on your baby, so I really hope Cale learned not to grind his teeth.

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