Sunday, August 24, 2008


One nice thing about two children, or at least these two, is that they are such good friends. Karston kissed Cale when he was fussy this evening, and Cale immediately switched from fussing to laughing at Karston.

One of the bedtime stories Daddy read to Karston tonight was Curious George Goes To The Beach. When Curious George made friends with a crab, Daddy asked Karston if he would like a crab-friend. Karston said, No, I have a Daddy-friend. Then he pulled Daddy's arm around himself, snuggled in, and patted Daddy's arm. After his three stories, Karston came to kiss me good-night while Cale was nursing to sleep (extra drooling, extra fussing, extra chewing, and less sleeping: is the third tooth coming in?), and then went to bed easily. Usually Cale's the easy one to put to bed, but this evening Karston was in his bed shortly before Cale was in his crib.

Daddy-friend is a very lucky dad!

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