Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Delight

Karston's playschool meets on Tuesdays and every other Thursdays. Now that he loves going to see mo' babies, the Tuesday-only weeks are very sad. And March: last Thursday was part of their Easter holiday, and this week is Spring Break. Playschool follows the county schools' schedule. So Cale's birth day was the last day of mo' babies this month! Ouch.

For Easter, we had lunch with Daddy's extended family: parents, sister's family, and cousins visiting from Las Vegas. Although the other children are much older than Karston, he had a ball playing with them. Two of his cousins are pretty blonde girls, and that makes Karston flirt. And I'd have to say that a trampoline is universal. Karston was laughing pretty hard! He really needed a good dose of playing with kids. He went well past naptime, and seeing him play that happily was worth it. Plus Karston loves his new super-soft Easter bunny that's in bed with him right now.

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