Wednesday, December 26, 2007

So That's Christmas

We weren't sure what Karston would think of Christmas this year. On Christmas Day yesterday, he enjoyed opening presents at home with his parents and his Mimi. He especially liked getting more wooden train tracks right after he asked for mo' twacks, and getting two Thomas engines and a Percy. Going to see his cousins was fun until nap time (I wanted to nap too, but I was driving so I stayed wide awake). He likes Christmas trees, especially if the lights are on, and he likes taking a tour of the ornaments. It's another opportunity to ask what's this?, although he tells everyone in sight which ornaments are trains!

However, Christmas clicked today. When Karston saw that his new toys were still here, still under the tree, that made it make sense to him. He had even more fun playing with his toys today! For his bed time story, he asked Daddy to read The Night Before Christmas, and he said ho ho ho every time he saw Santa in the book. So next year, he will definitely understand Christmas (at least the part with the presents). Too bad he has to wait 364 days after that concept to do it again!

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