I know the pediatrician will ask about Karston's stacking skills at his next appointment, so I've been taking mental notes. Three months ago, he stacked our groceries four high in the cart before the non-uniform shapes made the stack fall over. On Friday, Karston stacked his wooden blocks up to eight high before he couldn't resist knocking over the stack. He is a boy, so we need some destruction too! His Daddy and his grandparents were building block towers for him to knock over Friday, and he was getting creative, as well as wound up laughing his head off. He knocked some stacks over with his hands, some with his feet, and even some by sticking his belly out.

We played with blocks this morning too. Karston made stacks up to six high, and he knocked over stacks we built. Then I walked away so he could wind himself down for his nap. He told me
MORE, and made me walk him downstairs so he could bring up two more small toy cars to add to the three he has upstairs. Then he fell asleep holding his cars. Then I noticed his blocks.

When I left the sunroom, his blocks were knocked over and scattered everywhere. When I next looked, his blocks were very carefully arranged in a very precise ell shape with well over 90% of the blocks with the brightly painted face up. My jaw dropped. I left this pattern intact so I could show Daddy who had the same reaction. Karston's not yet two, and he can be very precise. I know both of his parents are engineers, but this is remarkable. Blocks just came on his radar!
He also wants to make the world safe from stickers. He peeled stickers from our produce that we bought at the store this evening, asked for more to peel, and then collected all of the stickers to put in the trash. That's what I mean by precise ... things are
just so ... careful patterns, and then he cleans up after himself. I never expected this from my toddler! But hey, I'm not complaining!
Technorati Tags: Toddler
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