Last Monday, Karston spent the entire car trip to Bandido's talking about Da-da. Once he was in a high chair next to Nadia and across from Daddy, he only had eyes for Nadia. Pretty red-heads can do that. At this lunch, Karston showed his true colors as a class clown. He turned to Nadia, leaned in, and laughed his head off until she started laughing too. He's a real nut.
Today the kids played together before lunch. I learned that Karston doesn't get jealous when someone else gets to nurse. I really hope that preschool --it starts in mid-August!-- trains Karston to share his toys because he wasn't sure how to play with Nadia. The other mom-embarrassing incident was when Karston was teaching body parts to Tasha. He said feet while tapping his foot, and again while tapping her foot. He said hand while tapping his hand, and again while tapping her hand. On to nose. Not bad so far, and I had stopped worrying, but then he said eye and his unerring finger headed right for Tasha's eye and she doesn't know to blink or turn away like adults and pets. Luckily her mother was quick enough to prevent that disaster, but Karston needs to learn that babies, as much as he wants to hug Chris and Tasha, need extra care, like no fingers poking eyes. He didn't want to be far from Tasha, and he kept saying Baby! Hug! over and over.
This time for lunch, we had extra adults so Karston was more cuddly I'm not sure if he were shy because of more grown-up conversation or because of the larger audience, but he was a ham now and then.
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