Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Just Like A Lab

I think everyone has a version of this story, but it's required background for the next story, so you'll just have to sit through my version. My father-in-law had black labs for years, and he said the dogs always knew when you hid something in the dog food. He tried to hide pills that his dogs needed to take, and he tried peas to prove the point. Whatever he added to the food, the dog would eat the dog food rapidly, but leave peas or pills in the bottom of the bowl. Food in, foreign out, really fast.

So a couple days ago, I fed Karston some chicken lasagna baby food. The problem with Stage 3 baby food is that some of the food chunks are larger than Karston likes. He likes his food with that smooth baby food texture! I would put a spoon full of chicken lasagna in his mouth, and he would quickly spit out the noodle chunk on his chin and then eat the rest. Just like a lab! This meal was quite a mess with noodle chunks coming out, but the rest staying in. (I ran the rest of the jar through the food processor, but he still remembered that it had had texture. Ick!)

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