Sunday, October 09, 2005


Karston is so happy to "play Elvis" when he practices standing that we went shopping for a stationary activity center that looks like a walker. Walkers have a reputation for being dangerous (especially with our stairs), and would be frustrating on all this carpet. Plus recent studies suggest that the use of walkers actually delays walking by about a month, presumably because the baby can't see his feet. (Is that really a negative?) So we have an item, this stationary activity center, that doesn't move across the floor like a regular walker, but does allows Karston to move himself from end to end, and around in a circle. (Well, hopefully Karston will be able to move in it. It's disappointingly stiff right now, so we have to move it for him.)

When we got to the store, I wanted to see if Karston "fit" it or not. He's only 3 months old, and most of these list 4 or 6 months as the starting age. On the other hand, he'll practice standing until your arms get tired and he's been holding his own head up for a long time now. I would expect that desire and the neck strength to be the underlying requirements. But I wasn't sure. So I slipped him in the store demo model, and watched his face. The message in that smile was immediate and clear: the walker is great! I knew then that I'd be bringing one home for him. I had a tough time deciding between the ExerSaucer Mega (classic and totable) or the Intelli-tainer that I got (better chance of watching his feet, but less adjustable). The report from home is that it's still good, same as in the store! Maybe now I'll get to brush my teeth and brush my hair in the same morning session in the bathroom, not separated with baby cuddling! Everyone's happy!

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