Saturday, October 22, 2005
We went to a Halloween party this evening. Daddy went as Dr. Evil, with Karston riding in the Baby Bjorn dressed as Mini Me. I went as Frau Farbissina also from the Austin Powers movies, but that costume wasn't as cool as Dr. Evil with Mini Me; I should have brought a water sprayer. For the first twenty minutes, we were sure we were about to go home! Every time someone in costume came up to us, Karston's lower lip would tremble, drop down to expose his lower gum ridge, and then he would wail. No, a witch! No, no, a devil! No, no, no, a wizard! Then he seemed to notice that we weren't upset, so he calmed down, but I have to say that I think Karston's first Halloween was quite scary for him, and I wouldn't've done this to him on purpose! I didn't know he had a strong idea of what people should look like!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Bottle OK
Something weird (based on the past 15 weeks of experience with Karston) happened last night. Karston wasn't nursing well (which is odd), but he was clearly very hungry (growth spurt), so Daddy gave him a bottle. He took it! That was so weird! He's always been a serious barracuda about nursing, and he's always rejected a bottle until he's truly desperate and knows he has no choice. I was rejected! Well, I suppose that makes it easier for me to go back to work, and to cope with his teething. I had never actually seen him use a bottle before because if I'm in the house and he'd rather nurse than bottle, I let him.
He even played with the bottle's nipple when he was done, with the same grin and the same tongue rolling that I recognize. So maybe this transition to a bottle won't be as tough as I expected.
He even played with the bottle's nipple when he was done, with the same grin and the same tongue rolling that I recognize. So maybe this transition to a bottle won't be as tough as I expected.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
I propped Karston up on a wedge pillow right next to me on the couch when I ate lunch today. His feet were touching me, I was watching him, but I had both hands free to eat. What a concept! Imagine my surprise when I saw Karston trying to sit up! He rolled his head, neck, and shoulders forward lifting himself off the pillow! A baby sit-up! A few more tries like that, and I'll be back at the store for a high chair so he can sit at the table with us, not on or below it in his bouncy chair. Karston surprises me with new skills all the time!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Karston is so happy to "play Elvis" when he practices standing that we went shopping for a stationary activity center that looks like a walker. Walkers have a reputation for being dangerous (especially with our stairs), and would be frustrating on all this carpet. Plus recent studies suggest that the use of walkers actually delays walking by about a month, presumably because the baby can't see his feet. (Is that really a negative?) So we have an item, this stationary activity center, that doesn't move across the floor like a regular walker, but does allows Karston to move himself from end to end, and around in a circle. (Well, hopefully Karston will be able to move in it. It's disappointingly stiff right now, so we have to move it for him.)
When we got to the store, I wanted to see if Karston "fit" it or not. He's only 3 months old, and most of these list 4 or 6 months as the starting age. On the other hand, he'll practice standing until your arms get tired and he's been holding his own head up for a long time now. I would expect that desire and the neck strength to be the underlying requirements. But I wasn't sure. So I slipped him in the store demo model, and watched his face. The message in that smile was immediate and clear: the walker is great! I knew then that I'd be bringing one home for him. I had a tough time deciding between the ExerSaucer Mega (classic and totable) or the Intelli-tainer that I got (better chance of watching his feet, but less adjustable). The report from home is that it's still good, same as in the store! Maybe now I'll get to brush my teeth and brush my hair in the same morning session in the bathroom, not separated with baby cuddling! Everyone's happy!

When we got to the store, I wanted to see if Karston "fit" it or not. He's only 3 months old, and most of these list 4 or 6 months as the starting age. On the other hand, he'll practice standing until your arms get tired and he's been holding his own head up for a long time now. I would expect that desire and the neck strength to be the underlying requirements. But I wasn't sure. So I slipped him in the store demo model, and watched his face. The message in that smile was immediate and clear: the walker is great! I knew then that I'd be bringing one home for him. I had a tough time deciding between the ExerSaucer Mega (classic and totable) or the Intelli-tainer that I got (better chance of watching his feet, but less adjustable). The report from home is that it's still good, same as in the store! Maybe now I'll get to brush my teeth and brush my hair in the same morning session in the bathroom, not separated with baby cuddling! Everyone's happy!
Friday, October 07, 2005
Boston Baby
We went to Boston for a week right as Karston turned 3 months old, and either going to Boston or being 3 months old agrees with him! After the first night in Boston, he woke just twice at night for much longer feeding. That's so much easier! He laughs readily now: for morning baby boogie, when he sneezes, when standing and wiggling like Elvis is so much fun! Baby laughs are so genuine and delightful! He "talks" when he plays, long sentences of baby vocalization. I'm so excited to hear his voice, even if he doesn't have much communication yet! He also makes clicking sounds more often now. He even plays with toys for a short while, although I think his favorite is the bright yellow and black warning label inside his car seat. Karston enjoys his tongue game, when he sticks out his tongue and grins, and the adult he's looking at does the same. I'm pleased with how many people, strangers included, will play this game with him! It's all such a repertoire, and all developed on a single 5-day trip to Boston... Wow...

While in Boston, Karston saw Fenway Park, travelled quite a bit of the Freedom Trail as well as Commonwealth Mall and Boston Public Gardens, drove a duck (amphibious vehicle), and finally got better about bottle feeding. He's also pretty sure he's a two-person baby, because he will calm down from fussing when he can see two adults looking back at him.
While in Boston, Karston saw Fenway Park, travelled quite a bit of the Freedom Trail as well as Commonwealth Mall and Boston Public Gardens, drove a duck (amphibious vehicle), and finally got better about bottle feeding. He's also pretty sure he's a two-person baby, because he will calm down from fussing when he can see two adults looking back at him.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Karston's three months old today and laughing more often, not just during morning play time when he often shows off his new skills (like better balance, clicking, and vocalization). This is a fun age so far!
We flew to Boston yesterday so I could attend a conference. We were worried, but Karston was great about flying! He didn't want to sit in his seat at all (he wanted to be in my lap), but he didn't complain about the flight. The flight attendant, Michael Frederick, was exceptionally kind and friendly which made the whole flight quite pleasant.
Last night, for the conference social mingle, we all went to see the Blue Man Group. All the Blue Man Group information says no children under 5, so I was worried about going. However, the social aspect of conferences is very important, so I gave it a try. Yes, it was very loud, and one of us stayed in The Charles Playhouse Lounge with Karston while the other watched, but it worked out. The staff were nice, the bar (lounge) was pleasantly non-smoking (cigarette smoke gives me hives), and the show was more interesting than a description could have convinced me. Near the end of the show, Karston announced he was only interested in cuddling with Mommy. (That means he cried loudly for anything other than me holding him. Including Daddy holding him. My ears were about done then anyway.) When the show was almost over, I was nearly dozing in the lounge when I heard a voice say "there's a baby!" In the bar of a children-discouraged location, I knew that comment was about us, so I made sure I was awake. Karston met the stage manager! He was wearing his motorcycle leathers, and made me look small; not the person you'd pick out of a crowd to make a beeline for a little baby. Karston turned on his smile because he loves eye contact, and showed off how he likes to stand (with assistance), and they had a great time.
So now that I've taken Karston places where you don't expect babies to do well or be welcome, I have to say he did well and everyone has welcomed him.
We flew to Boston yesterday so I could attend a conference. We were worried, but Karston was great about flying! He didn't want to sit in his seat at all (he wanted to be in my lap), but he didn't complain about the flight. The flight attendant, Michael Frederick, was exceptionally kind and friendly which made the whole flight quite pleasant.
Last night, for the conference social mingle, we all went to see the Blue Man Group. All the Blue Man Group information says no children under 5, so I was worried about going. However, the social aspect of conferences is very important, so I gave it a try. Yes, it was very loud, and one of us stayed in The Charles Playhouse Lounge with Karston while the other watched, but it worked out. The staff were nice, the bar (lounge) was pleasantly non-smoking (cigarette smoke gives me hives), and the show was more interesting than a description could have convinced me. Near the end of the show, Karston announced he was only interested in cuddling with Mommy. (That means he cried loudly for anything other than me holding him. Including Daddy holding him. My ears were about done then anyway.) When the show was almost over, I was nearly dozing in the lounge when I heard a voice say "there's a baby!" In the bar of a children-discouraged location, I knew that comment was about us, so I made sure I was awake. Karston met the stage manager! He was wearing his motorcycle leathers, and made me look small; not the person you'd pick out of a crowd to make a beeline for a little baby. Karston turned on his smile because he loves eye contact, and showed off how he likes to stand (with assistance), and they had a great time.
So now that I've taken Karston places where you don't expect babies to do well or be welcome, I have to say he did well and everyone has welcomed him.
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