Thursday, July 14, 2005

Barracuda and the Angry Face

Karston has two major modes of breastfeeding. The most common is what I call The Barracuda. He'll be moving around erratically, head going everywhere, until he's within striking distance. Then BAM! his head snaps and he latches on. And you might not be expecting that quite so soon ... Barracuda are very fast and look very single-minded, and so does Karston at these times. However, maybe every third or fourth feeding, he does Angry Face instead. His eyebrows go down, his nose crunches up, and he looks angry. He comes in with Angry Face, one mouth chomp, backs off, and repeat at least half a dozen times before he settles down to eat with a normal expression. I laugh and ask him why he's angry at Nipple Buddy when he's chomping instead of feeding. I wish I could take a video of Angry Face, but I don't think it's visible from any vantage other than mine. A tripod couldn't look over my shoulder easily so someone would have to stand there getting a neck crick, and Angry Face is not common enough to be easy to capture.

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